
Kim Yoo Jung and Lovers of the Red Sky Top the First Week of September 2021 Good Data Rankings


I’ve totally been revived after the lackluster summer 2021 with a sense of excitement headed into the last quarter of the year. The September 2021 start to the Good Data rankings are out and it’s a bunch of new names and new dramas so those bored from the summer can see what’s hot and buzzy in South Korea. For the actor/actress search terms, Kim Yoo Jung in Lovers of the Red Sky (Hong Chun Gi) tops the list and then it’s a swap a thon with the Hometown Cha Cha Cha crowd, second spot is Shin Mina, then Ahn Hyo Seob from Lovers in third, followed by Hometown’s Lee Sang Yi in fourth and Kim Sun Ho rounding out the 5th spot. For the drama search terms, it’s Lovers of the Red Sky with the most searches followed by Hometown Cha Cha Cha, I’m so glad the two are not in competition in either time slot or genre because I HATE the dumbass “my drama is more popular than your drama” bullshit. There is enough drama love in the world for every drama to get popular, peeps. After those two it’s Penthouse season 3 like that zombie which won’t die, then Hospital Playlist 2, and finally Revolutionary Sisters in the fifth slot. I’m just so glad the fall is here, summer was a freaking hot mess for me (personally and drama wise) so this is a breath of fresh air.


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