
Jung Hae In and Jisoo are Framed in Shattered Glass in New Character Posters for jTBC Melodrama Snowdrop


The seesawing opinions on the promo stream for upcoming jTBC drama Snowdrop continues and this latest delivery is definitely high quality stuff. The character posters are out for the drama featuring leads Jung Hae In and Jisoo framed by a shattered glass to their right shoulder. They are facing the same direction in the posters but he’s looking downward and pensive but focused gaze while she’s looking upward and towards the camera with an inscrutable expression. These posters look intentional and I appreciate that, as if once the story gets going it will make further sense when we look back on these. Not to mention how beautiful both leads look, the camera clearly loves their angular distinctive features and not gonna lie I certainly do as well. With all that said, can we get some promos for the other leads Jang Seung Jo, Yoo In Na, Kim Hye Yoon, and Yoon Se Ah. Like, this is more than a story of two beautiful period star-crossed lovers, right?


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