
Leehom Wang’s Wife Lee Jing Lei Posts 10,000 Word Screed in Aftermath of Divorce Announcement Accusing Him of Cheating, Prostitution, and Using Her as a Brood Mare and Abandoning the Family


Hold on to your horses because this is the most heartbreaking and raw post-breakout tea spilling since Show Luo‘s ex-girlfriend Grace Chow went to town on his repeated cheating nearly two years ago. That ended up genuinely halting Show’s showbiz career and he’s been laying low since, and it’s probably going to be the same path for singer Leehom Wang after this latest bombshell. A day after Leehom Wang confirmed his divorce with wife of 8 years Lee Jing Lei, the couple shares three kids, and claimed he wasn’t going to comment, his soon to be ex-wife posted a loooooong 10,000 word missive revealing the truth behind their marriage. She was upset that the rumors made it out that their divorce was due to her not getting along with her mother-in-law (Leehom’s mom), she asked him to deny it but he said that he wasn’t going to comment anymore on the divorce to the media. But then he quickly denied other rumors that involved his misconduct so Lee Jing Lei realized that he only cared about his reputation and career in the industry so she went public.

The gist of it is: she accused him of using her as a brood mare as the entirety of the marriage she was either prepping to get pregnant or pregnant or nursing after having 3 kids in 5 years and then raising the kids alone as he would leave for months on end to live his own life and told her that he needed to have freedom, she accused him of cheating with other stars and also soliciting prostitutes during their dating and continued after their marriage, she ended with calling him out for being selfish and she spent their entire marriage being a good wife, shielding him, never saying a single bad thing about him to his friends or family, and said he asked the divorce because he didn’t want a girl he dated next to be accused of being a “mistress” (xiao san). She said that she would raise their kids along well as she’s been basically doing already and told him to face his own needs and desires, not worry about what the world thinks, and be true to himself and live the life he wants. My heart broke for her reading the post, she really encapsulated the repeated and constant pain of being used and never treated with respect and consideration by someone she loves and started a family well.


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