
New Substantive Preview for SBS Romance Drama Now, We are Breaking Up Shows the Fashion Backdrop and A Lot of Song Hye Kyo Angst


Okay, I know Song Hye Kyo is a much bigger star that Jang Ki Yong but this latest preview for SBS drama Now, We are Breaking Up makes it feel like a one-woman show. Sure he’s the male lead but all we see are her angst and emotions, he comes across as a cipher or perhaps the “boyfriend” character that isn’t meant to engage the audiences as much as be the foil for her character to stand in for any woman who has been through a breakup whatever the circumstances. I like that Song Hye Kyo’s character is very expressive and alive here, her last drama Encounter (Boyfriend) she played a super reserved and almost emotionally frozen character as written and it’s nice to see her project a capable career woman but also someone with strong vocal emotions. The fashion scenes I don’t know how realistic it will be, likely not, but Jang Ki Yong also doesn’t make a good photographer as he just looks like the model in front of the camera lens all the time.

New preview for Now, We are Breaking Up:


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