
Our Beloved Summer with Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi Premieres Super Low Ratings on SBS Mon-Tues


Okay, I cover so many dramas so I often forget right off the bat the channel its airing on until after it airs, if I write about it enough then of course it’s ingrained. So I legit thought just premiered Mon-Tues drama Our Beloved Summer (That Year, We) with Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi aired on tvN and that its premiere ratings of 3.2% and 2.6% for the first two episodes respectively were low but nothing wildly bad. Then I remembered it aired on SBS and ohmygarsh are these numbers low LOW since its on a free and prime time channel. With that said SBS has had a critically beloved drama Racket Boys air this year also with super low ratings but plenty of online buzz and acclaim. I don’t know where Summer will land since it just aired 2 episodes but so far the reviews fall into three major groups: the leads don’t have the visuals, the drama is pretty good but not great, and the drama doesn’t hook the viewer. I think the last one matters the most for the ratings, a romance drama especially needs a hook. I’m planning to watch this week so I can make my own opinion but from the promos and previews it does surprise me that this bright and warm vibes drama can’t bring in more premiere week viewers.


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