
SBS Releases Eye-catching Pictures of Lovers of the Red Sky Leads Kim Yoo Jung, Ahn Hyo Seob, and Gong Myung During Chuseok Off Week


Clearly I’m in withdrawal lol, and excuse my grasping at whatever straws/goodies are out for SBS Mon-Tues sageuk Lovers of the Red Sky (Hong Chun Gi). That the drama has overcome tons of doubts – Ahn Hyo Seob‘s sageuk acting concerns, the top billing brouhaha, and the general “will it work” questions about the fantasy with palace intrigue combo – that it feels even more deserving of love from the viewers tuning in. The young leads are really good enough to credit them for part of the drama’s success, it’s not solely due to the script and directing, and the veterans and elders don’t have enough screen time to carry it on their impeccable acting alone. So it’s really that indelible chemistry and charisma of the leads in bringing each character to life and interacting well in the varying one-on-one scenes. Kim Yoo Jung for me is the sweet heart of this trio, she brings a different zing depending on which male lead she’s doing a scene with and it just works so well.


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